It’s that time of year again! Between April and July, 16- to 24-year-olds look to work seasonally. Therefore, we’re here to give you a refresher on the labor laws based on age. Also, different documentation is required based on the age of the employee.

Employees under 16, must have an Employer’s Request for Child Labor form completed by their local school/superintendent’s office/legal guardian and must have the Youth Employment Certificate completed by their legal guardian within 3 days of employment date.

Employees between 16 and 17 years old must have written permission from a parent/legal guardian kept on file by the employer prior to start date with the following information:

  1. The employer’s name and location
  2. The date permission is given by the parent or legal guardian
  3. The signature of the parent or legal guardian
  4. The title of the position the minor will fill or a description of the work activities
  5. The minor’s date of birth.

Click here to sign up for NH Department of Labor Labor Law Webinars.

Be sure to review the Child Labor Bulletin 101 under the Fair Labor Standards Act to check that the work does not fall under “Hazardous Occupations.”


Click here to contact us for suggestions on how conduct seasonal hiring practices.