Home » Survey Results: How are you Attracting/Hiring/ Recruiting/Retaining employees?

Survey Results: How are you Attracting/Hiring/ Recruiting/Retaining employees?

We are always trying to attract and retain quality candidates for our businesses. What steps are you taking to work on your company’s culture to maintain a strong workforce? Remember, it is not about adapting your culture to the applicant, but instead being transparent about your current company’s culture and living in it. Now it’s more like applicants are interviewing us and expect us to sell our company.

Read our clients’ responses to the survey and hear how their hiring practices are going in this new climate.


Offering competitive wages and benefits are common hiring and retention challenges companies are currently facing. Recent hiring events have been very different prior to COVID and the remote/hybrid workplace. Many candidates are looking to change industries and find positions that are more aligned with their personal and professional goals. These candidates are excited and enthusiastic about their new opportunities.

Paying premium compensation for the “right fit” seems to be the new theme. Steps taken to overcome these challenges include increasing the hiring rate and benefits package and launching an educational campaign to bring employees to their field.

Another way companies are overcoming hiring/retention struggles is to review and modify the interview and onboarding process to ensure the candidate has an inclusive experience.

Candidates are looking for hiring bonuses in addition to higher base salaries and flexible work arrangements (hours, remote, hybrid). Companies are choosing to include salary ranges and complete job responsibilities in their posted job descriptions for transparency.

During the interview process, organizations are switching up who is part of the interview process to show candidates their company culture. Another way organizations are revamping their hiring practices is increasing their digital presence.

Lastly, taking the time to find the candidate that is a good fit for the company and whose core values align with the business will save the company time, money, and morale. Keep searching until you have “the one”. Settling to fill a gap rarely turns out well!

Click here to contact us with hiring and retention help.