Home » OSHA 300A Form Posting Deadline

OSHA 300A Form Posting Deadline

OSHA 300A log needs to be posted February 1-April 30, 2023 at every location where there are employees.

The Deadline to Sign and Post your 300A Form is February 1, 2023

Many but not all employers must complete the OSHA injury and illness record-keeping forms on an ongoing basis. Employers with 10 or more employees throughout the previous calendar year are required by regulation to post these forms. We encourage businesses of all sizes, utilize these forms not only for compliance but to have consistent documentation in place in the event the employee count exceeds 10 anytime during the year.
Small employers (less than 10 employees) and certain low-risk industries are exempt.
The OSHA 300A form must be posted from February 1st through April 30th each year. The form should be in a visible location and is a method of educating your employees about the safety of their work environment. 
HR Synergy, LLC and The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) shares with you the goal of preventing injuries and illnesses in your workplace. Accurate injury and illness records will help achieve that goal.
Visit OSHA.gov for more information and to download your 300A forms.

Please contact us at (603) 261- 2402 if you have any questions or concerns.

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